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January 1, Wednesday - New Years day warm but cloudy. Mother (wife) and sonny boy still sick in bed William also quite ill yet  I am improving considerable appetite returning. cleaned out chicken house and hauled clean dobie in it. went to town to get some medicine for sick folks. I have yielded myself afresh to the leading of God's Holy Spirit that I may do His good and perfect and acceptable will.


January 7, Wednesday - Cloudy cold cut wood all day on Wallace place. Grandma sick with flu. sonny boy and mother better. I am much sad these days because The world has gone war mad. our own nation is thinking only of feeding the flames of war.  And the saddest of all is that the nations (except Japan & China) are christian nations. Brothers and sisters in Christ murdering one another its inconsistent with the Gospel of the Love of Christ. Come quickly Lord Jesus and make an end to this awful slaughter. 


January 11, Saturday - Cut wood all day. I am much troubled on accouont of our nation being lead into another awful foreign war. Certain wealthy financial interests by their lying propaganda are slowly but surely leading us into another slaughter, but what for? to save their investments in foreign countries. May God help us and save our innocent boys. At night held open air service with children. 


April 8, Tuesday - My 54 birthday. plowed in garden and planted 29 rows of corn


June 3, Tuedsay - Bought Kerosene stove from Sears cost $65.20 5 dollars down and 5 per month to be paid by Emeline. 


June 10, Tuesday - William had trouble with brakes on Studebaker 35.


June 11, Wednesday - William had generator trouble cost 3.25


June 14, Saturday - William traded Studebaker on 1935 Chev. 


July 4, Friday - National Independance day Our forefathers fought to deliver us from British Tyranny, But our present administration under Roosevelt is selling us into the hands of the British. Billions of dollars given away. our country bankrupted our defense material given away by the war mongers what liberty have we? Went with family to San Antonio to Breckenridge park. 


July 16, Wednesday - Chopped cedar poles on Francis place for donkey shelter.


July 29, Tuesday - Jack the donkey is lame so had to make a trailer to haul fodder to barn this taken most of the day, however got all that was cut into barn.


August 12, Tuesday - Anice birthday 16 years old. gathered corn from middle field. worked 8 hours at Stecks had grief spoiled 1700 sheets of paper. 


August 18, Monday - Went to town in morning with wife to buy dresser got one second hand for 9.75


August 29, Friday - Col. Lindberg speaks tonight in Oklahoma. Col. Lindberg is one of our patriots as opposed to the warmongers of our present Administration who are selling us out to foreign interests


November 5, Wednesday - Bought 24 mo battery 5.65 Western Auto Store. 


December 7, Sunday - Great excitement on account of alleged bombing of Honolula by supposed Japanese planes. 


December 8, Monday - Roosevelt asked congress to declare war on Japan. At last it happened War was declared on Japan. Mr Roosevelt who solemnly promised the people at his election that he would not lead us into a foreign war has step by step led us into it first by repealing the neutraliity law next by lend lease aid to all countries fighting the axis third by sending American ships and soldiers into the war zones. And ordering the Navy to shoot on sight. 


December 9, Tuesday -  The war is on many innocent lives are being sacrificed to the god of war who is responsible. Mr Roosevelt and his administration of apostate Jews communists and foreign war mongers who have bombarded the public day and night for years thru press radio and pulpit, with programs of hate, now have their desire accomplished, but at the Judgment bar of God they will have to give an account for the thousands of innocent lives that are lost. their blood will be upon their shoulders. 


December 11, Thursday - U.S. declares war on Germany and Italy. Now the warmongers should be satisfied after working so hard they finally got their hearts desire. 


December 25, Thursday - Rather sad day for those who lost their boys in this awful war. Will men ever obey the gospel of the Prince of Peace and thus avoid war?  


This has been an exciting year and also a sad one. The war mongers carried on their deadly propaganda of hate, even preachers joining in this day and night until we are now all out in this war. I firmly believe that war is of the devil and hate propaganda is the devil's gospel. Even the no interventionists are now on the other side. Like the disciples of Christ in the garden of Gethsamene they all forsook and left. With the democracies lined up with the ungodly Athiest Bolshevicks and communists where will it lead to? Will God's children be persecuted for righteousness sake? Will the preaching of the gospel of the Love of Christ and peace be prohibited? Will the Anti Christ arise and cause all to receive the mark of the beast? Will the Lord come and establish His kingdom of righteousness and justice? and make an end of wickedness and war? Time will tell. Meanwhile we as Christians and the children of God must live close to God. Like the wise virgins we should keep our lamps trimmed and burning with the oil of God's grace, filled with the Holy Spirit and divine love, so that when the heavenly Bridegroom comes we might go into the marriage supper of the Lamb and be forever free from the Tribulation of this old wicked world. 


January 2, Friday - Very cold freezing weather cut wood in morning Afternoon worked on Model T. put in new cylinder head gasket. No tires are allowed to be sold as a war measure. Manilla Philipeans Islands ws taken by the Japs. Singing night but we did not go.


January 20, Tuesday - Day fair Asthma easy. plowed in garden with donkeys.


January 27, Tuesday - While the world is preaching the Devils gospel of hate my prayer is that God will give me more Divind Love. Oh that I might feel the fulness fo the Holy Spirits presence. Day fair warm, William sick


February 9, Monday - War time clocks set forward 1 hour


February 14, Saturday - William performed his first marriage ceremony


February 26, Thursday - Sent letter to Alien Registration Dept Washington D.C. concerning mothers citizenship papers


April 5, Sunday - In morning went to Union Mission. William preached  Communion service held. Afternoon attend Mission Sunday School in South Austin Francis Supt.  At night went to Union Mission, William preached. Francis was given license to preach


May 25, Monday - Felt very weak today continued Asthma attacks with loss of sleep and appetite has got me down to about 115 lbs. 


June 2, Tuesday - Donkeys broke out and ran away could not find them. prayed the Lord to help me. Went to town worked 1 1/2 hrs at Knapes. Received phone call from Klingemans they found the donkeys. 


June 9, Tuesday - Bought some lumber for chicken house 20 8x8x1 $6.00 with nails


June 14, Sunday - In morning attended service at South Austin Mission taught class, Francis preached attendance about 25. cool today. In evening went to babptizing at Montopolis bridge. 


June 21, Sunday - Fathers day Ruth sent telegram... Received some useful presents from wife and children


June 23, Tuesday - Helped wife clean chicken house. worked on old Model T wreck taking apart for junk


July 11, Saturday - Repaired Model T. sold eggs. Attended Revival meeting some souls at altar. Had no street meeting. Francis resigned South Austin pastorate. 


August 5, Wednesday - Taking Model T apart to put in another motor (leaks water) 


August 6, Thursday -  Worked on Model T taking out motor and putting another in 


August 10, Monday - Worked on Model T. finished putting in motor but ran only a short way and cracked up again, several day work for nothing.


August 15, Saturday - Still working on Model T putting in old motor from truck T. 


August 19, Wednesday -  William operated on at 9 o'clock for appendecitis at St David's Hospital by Dr. Murray. He was suffering considerable after operation.


August 20, Thursday -  fixed car, old truck motor magneto working. 


August 26, Wednesday - William was brought home by ambulance at 4 o'clock. cost 3 dollars, total hospital cost $64.45, obtained 10 per cent rebate


September 1, Tuesday - Received and filled out War questionaire


September 8, Tuesday -  Truck hit us while waiting for Emeline smashed back fender and tail light on Chev. 


September 28, Monday - Evangeline Schneiders birthday (deceased) 29 years if lived. Had bad attack of Asthma and cold last night staid up nearly all night. repaired shoes, fixed tires, etc. 


October 17, Saturday - Made application for drivers license, 50 cents fee


October 21, Wednesday - We are living in perilous times how we need to get closer to Jesus our Saviour and comforter. The chains of oppression are drawing tighter around us. 


October 22, Thursday - feeling depressed on account of the wickedness and hypocracy of men


October 26, Monday - Worked all day on Model T putting in new bands, cost 89 cents, manifold gaskets, 18 cents. 


November 11, Wednesday - Making wagon out of T frame to haul manure


November 14, Saturday -  Received notice that blue and orange stamps are rule out for Grandmas allotment making 3 dollars less in the food bill.


November 19, Thursday -  Registered for gasolene rationing 4 gallons per week. Family went to Little Walnut prayer meeting, probably the last on account of gas rationing. 


November 21, Saturday -  Put in application for supplemental gas to Rations Board. Taking Mother to Pete's to see Lena. 


November 30, Monday - Receives gas ration coupons A and B


December 1, Tuesday - First day of gasolene rationing


December 4, Friday -  Had grief with Model T. connecting rod came off and broke motor block.


December 7, Monday -  1 year of 2nd world war since Pearl Harbor


December 9, Wednesday -  bought first 4 gals of gas under coupon rationing


Decembr 29, Tuesday -  had tires tested by Western Austo Co. made application to Ration Board for new tires.  


December 31, Thursday - Another year has almost ended. War with all it's horrors is in full swing. Men, women and children are being slaughtered by the thousands. The ministry that should lead this world in paths of peace and preach Christ's gospel of love are only fanning the flames of war. My heart is sad and grieved. Oh that the Lord would make an end of this awful slaughter. May we as Christians pray to that end. 

I make no resolutions of my own self, but I desire to draw closer to God that His Holy Spirit may lead me in the right paths, that I may be a blessing to this poor, fallen world, that I may do what I can to save lost immortal souls, and to strengthen the believers in the faith. Even so help me Lord, Jesus Christ, the Divine Son of God. Amen 

Devil's Bouquet

     This is the devils boka. This magnet represents Jesus Christ. Jesus came into this world to save sinners. He say If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me. This nail represents a sinner. Jesus wants to save him so he draws him to himself and want to take him to heaven. But what's wrong why doesn't he go with Christ. Ah he's tied down, what have we here a package of Camels that he's used up and he's so bound by this ciggrette habit that he can't turn loose to follow Christ. Now some might say that the Bible does not say anything about using tobacco. One reason is that no one used tobacco in those days, but we have many scriptures that can be used to prove that the use of tobacco is wrong. In 1 Corn. 3-17 we read "If any man destroyeth the temple of God, him shall God destroy, for the temple of God is holy and such temple ye are." Scientists who study tobacco tell us that it contains a poision called nicotine, and this nicotine will shorten your life and thus you are destroying the temple or body which God has given you. If I take a pistol and shorten my life I would go to a devil's hell but what about shorting my life by nicotine. Then the Bible speaks of us being stewards and it says Moreover it is required of stewards that a man be found faithful. Money spent for tobacco is wasted. Millions of dollars are spent every year by christians so called that could have been used to support Missionaries to save precious souls. Yes thousands of churches and Missions have closed their doors because the people refused to give their money to support the preachers and yet these same people had plenty of money to spend for cigars, cigarettes, snuff and tobacco plugs. Remember we will have to give an account of the way we spent our money. 

     Then we read in 2 Corinthians 7, 1, "Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God. If tobacco is not filthy then what is it?

     Now what have we here a card these cards are used by gamblers. Now everyone despised a gambler and knows that no gambler will get to heaven unless he repents and gives up his sin of gambling, but there are other ways of gambling besides those with cards in a saloon or gambling den. There are the stock market gamblers who buy up the grain, the food stuffs, etc and hold them for high prices. Then we have the punch board where they pay so much a punch to get a chance on winning a prize. Then there is the flipping of coins to see who will pay for the drinks at the soda fountain. Even in churches and schools they have Bingo partys playing for prizes. Then in the homes there are the Bridge partys. But I see no difference in a gambler playing for money in a low down Honkey Tonk and society women playing in their homes for prizes both are gambling and the last is the most dangerous because it leads the innocent children into the habit of gambling. 

     Allright he's gotten rid of this old nasty card now lets see what happens, what have we here an advertisment cut from your daily paper. 5 places here advertise dancing. One of the sure ways of sliding into hell is from the dancing flood. The dance is immoral and stirs up the baser passion of men, women, boys and girls and leads them downward to destruction. 

     Well again we will try to draw this sinner away something is holding yet. What is this another advertising from our newspaper. These are advertising the Movie shows. I was on the Avenue when one of these shows The Harvey girls was going on and the people young and old were lined up a block or more waiting to see this show. It is said that 80 million people patronize the Movie. Now the Movies are nothing more than schools of crime. No wonder that we have juvenile delinquency and crime waves over this country. The authorities are worried about juvenile delinquency this means that children are lying, stealing, robbing and killing. Well if they would close up these abominable movie shows that teach crime it would be reduced a great deal. The movies exhalt crime and immorality and make fun of preachers and officers of the law. The movies are vile, corrupt and immoral and should not be patronized by anyone and surely not by professed Christians. 

     Now the man seemed to be free and can follow Christ. But wait something is wrong what have we here, a bottle of Liquor. Liquor is another of the great curses of our land that causes crime, poverty and degredation. Someone might say a little drinking beer or whiskey won't hurt you. But let me tell you that if the drundard had not taken his first drink he would not have filled a drunkard's grave or gone to a devil's hell. Liquor not only hurts the one who drinks but it hurts others who do not. Thousands of people have been killed by drunken drivers who never used the Liquor themselves. There was a certain Holiness family that were driving home when a drunken driver ran into them and killed all the family except one girl. Yes this abominable stuff has killed more people than wars. No one can be a true christian and drink liquor. 

     All right having given up all his sins and repented of them he is now ready to follow Jesus on the road to heaven. Amen

Devil's Bouquet Sermon
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